The LoreMasters will specifically focus on game generation and facilitation for individuals, groups, and businesses. The LoreMasters is also well positioned to offer services for team-building and, with one of the principals an Enterprise Agile Coach, The LoreMasters is uniquely positioned to create and offer table-top roleplaying games as a mechanism to teach Agile concepts.
One-time facilitation of games for parties and events. The games offered in this category will be either:
Prepared role-playing games that The LoreMasters creates in advance for a variety of games and game facilitation (Game Master - GM) for those games.
Custom role-playing games created specifically for the customer, including a selection of elements requested by the customer and game facilitations of custom games (GM) by The LoreMasters
Ongoing or campaign role-playing games, largely games created specifically for that customer in which The LoreMasters provides game creation and facilitation (GM) of these games.
Most business and Agile sessions will be of the previously prepared type but can be custom created or campaign if desired by the business customer. The LoreMasters will provide an experienced Agile Coach to facilitate (GM) these game sessions.